Prophecy DeFi Inc.
Prophecy DeFi Inc.
Bucephalus Capital Corp. is a merchant bank that provides bridge loans and equity financings to companies across many industries in Canada and the United States.
Prophecy DeFi Inc. (PDFI)
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SEDAR Information
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Company Officers
2021-0633 - Changement de nom et de symbole et reclassement d'actions - Bucephalus Capital Corp. S.V. (BCA)
le 24 juin/June 2021
Bucephalus Capital Corp. has announced a name and symbol change to Prophecy DeFi Inc. (PDFI) and a conversion of all the subordinated voting shares (“SVS”), multiple voting shares (“MVS”) and preferred shares (“PS”) into common shares (“Common Shares”) of the Company (the “Share Conversion”). Pursuant to the Share Conversion, all of the issued and outstanding SVS and MVS of the Company will be automatically converted into Common Shares of the Company on the basis of one (1) Common Share for each SVS and MVS outstanding.